Attention Livermore Residents and people who serve the Livermore Community. I am looking to Interview people who serve the awesome folks of Livermore or in some way help make our city a better place to live. For example, business owners or great staff of businesses or schools, teachers, principals, long time Livermore residents, people with great yards or gardens, people who host annual or other events in Livermore, or even people who just make your day a little brighter when you see them (maybe that awesome barista or server, etc.). You name it. I love Livermore and want others to learn more about our great community so I am sponsoring a community website where people can go to learn about local news, events, businesses, get local coupons or deals, etc. There is no cost to the people I Interview and feature on the site and in fact, once someone is featured, they can add additional information about them or their business as often as they like, add coupons, post events, whatever will help them in what they do. I am just getting started building out the site and beginning the interviews, so if you would like to request an interview go to
The sign-up page says business, but is for anyone who would like to be interviewed. If you know someone whom you think should be interviewed, feel free to pass this along.
If you would like to check out the site and watch it grow, visit